fredag 28. juni 2013

Friday Inspiration

The nails! I'm going to grow my nails like this!

The outfit

Some simple inspiration today and not much!

torsdag 27. juni 2013

Outfits on Outfits

All the things I could do

Blck, white and gold

Spring fling

Spring fling by ceciliebn featuring zara tops

Noen sommerantrekk jeg gjerne skulle hatt! Jeg får vel prøve å mikse sammen noe. Liker veldig godt prestekrage shortsen og jeg dør etter å ha de Guiseppe Zanotti skone!

Some summeroutfits I would like to have! I'll try to mix something similar up. I really like the daisy shorts and I would die for that pair of Guiseppe Zanotti shoes!

onsdag 26. juni 2013

The Monthly Favorites

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Nail Lacquer, Feathered 0.5 f... - PolyvoreProduct Detail | H

Knuckle rings, white nails and home made frappuchino!
Emma Ward is my favorite blog of the month. She has a really cool style and I would love to have some of the items in her closet! Visit her blog  --> here

Give this to me!

My favorites of the month

My new HM shorts and my new chain necklase, white nail polish and knuckle rings (to bad I've already lost mine that I bought two weeks ago...)

tirsdag 25. juni 2013

1 Chain

 The battery died, so these were the only pics I got.

Nå har det vært en stund siden antrekk's innlegg og her er ett endelig!
Endelig har sommer været dukket opp! Det har regnet de siste dagene og Geir har ikke gitt seg, men endelig har solskinnet kommet! Jeg har ikke fått sommerferie følelsene helt enda, men jeg tror den kommer snart.

It has been a while since an outfit post so here is one, finally!
Finally the summer wheater showed up! It has been raining the last couple of days, but now it is finally sunshine outside! I haven't gotten the summer vacay feeling yet, but I bet it will show up soon.

mandag 24. juni 2013

My summer plans

My summers are never fully planned out! There is always something spontaneous that happens! But I will tell you about what I have already planned out!









i love this photo

me too ahhh

me three 

me four

Love this

me five

Wish I was here :c


so carefree


♕♕ Vintage, Rosy, Indie ♕♕




I so want to do this!

1. Well, now for the rest of June I'm staying home and I won't be doing that much other than working out, realx because I definitely need that and be with friends! Go out and have fun! The first thing I did this summer was VG- lista top 20 and it was so much fun with Jason Derulo, The Wanted and so many more artists! (The best thing is that it is a free consert!)

2. In the second week of July, my family and I are visiting my aunts family on their cabin in Risør, wich is in the south of Norway. It is so beautiful there and I was actually born in the south of Norway, even though I live in the east on the other side of Oslo! 

3. I am visiting my friend Kaja on her cabin in Sweden. Whe haven't planned out yet when I am coming, but it will be sometime in July! I can't wait because I know it will be so much fun and the laughter will never end!

4. I am leaving for Turkey the 2nd of August to the 14th. This will be the second time I am there, but this time we are going to Alanya and last time I was in Side. We are renting and apartment and I just can't wait to get to the hotter areas and leave rainy Norway!

søndag 23. juni 2013

Inspiration is needed





Ettersom at jeg har vært borte en liten stund  nå tenkte jeg at det var på tide med mye inspirasjon, for det får man aldri nok av! Tumblr er siden dere!

Since I've been gone for a littel while I thought it would be time for inspiration and you can never get enough of that! Tumblr is the place guys!

lørdag 22. juni 2013

Prom 2013

To bilder av hvordan jeg så ut på vårballet som var på tirsdag!
Jeg har ikke blogget siden mandag tror jeg denne uken, men nå som det var siste skoledag på torsdag orket jeg ikke. Jeg skal prøve å blogge mye bedre nå som det er sommer! Enda en grunn til at jeg ikke har blogget er fordi jeg har vært syk og er for tiden veldig sliten og trøtt, noe jeg skulle ønske at jeg ikke var. 

Two pictures from the spring formal on Tuesday! It was such a lovely night!
I graduated from ungdomsskolen on Thursday and it was so sad to say goodbye to everyone and the teachers! 

I haven't been bloging since Monday (I think), but I've just finished school for the summer and I will blog much better! I've been sick and really tired lately!