torsdag 28. februar 2013

I'm reaching for the sky

Shoes/Roots   Pants/Bikbok  Blouse/GinaT   Jacket/Zara  Necklase/Vintage  

Mye skole til idag, så er endelig tilbake med bloggingen! De nye wedgesene mine er absolutt favoritter! Jeg ser at snøen begynner å smelte og det er så deilig å se asfalt her og der igjen. Kan ikke vente på vår og sommer!

I had alot of school projects til today, so I'm finally back with the blogging! My new wedges is an absolut favorite! The snow is starting to melt and it's so good to se the ground! I can't wait for spring and summer!

mandag 25. februar 2013

Fashion weeks streetstyle favorites

Tamu McPherson

Kate Foley

Julia Sarr- Jamois

Chloe Norgaard

So much inspiration, I also want to go to fashion week!

fredag 22. februar 2013

A way to style it; Wedges

Wedges #1

Wedges #1 by ceciliebn featuring high top wedge sneakers
I compaired the  wedges with a cool printed pair of jeans, witch I adore! I also matched it with a leather purse to bring out the leather in the shoes.

Wedges #2

Wedges #2 by ceciliebn featuring a carven skirt
Again I compaird the wedges with leather details. The blue purse brings out the blue in the vest and fits perfect to the cute sunglasses!

Wedges #3

Wedges #3 by ceciliebn featuring colorful shorts
I paird the wedges with a cool summer outfit. Hghwaisted shorts that fits perfectly with a tank top w/ pattern so the outfit won't get to boring.

Wedges #4

Wedges #4 by ceciliebn featuring river island
A simple, clean and cute outfit. With the wedges the outfit gets more wedgy and cool! I love the ice cream shorts!

Wedges #5

Wedges #5 by ceciliebn featuring kenzo
More leather details! It's just a cool, edgy outfit with some lavender beauties!

I can't wait for summer to arrive and to wear the wedges in outfits like the ones above! Ps: I couldn't find the exact wedges that I have, but these are the ones that looked the most like mine.

torsdag 21. februar 2013


 Frøken Dianas Vintage Salonger

 Fretex Unika

ChaBua Bubble tea and Sushi bar

Som jeg nevnte i innlegget i går, var jeg på Grüneløkka og så på vintage klær og drakk noe jeg aldri har prøvd før, nemlig bubble tea som er en Taiwansk drikke. Det var skikkelig godt og utrolig spennende å prøve! For dere som ikke har prøvd det, prøv, men ikke spis boblene siden du kan føle deg litt dårlig etter å ha gjort det. Haha, det gjorde i hvert fall jeg!
Vi var innom Velourias Vintage, men der tok jeg ingen bilder, så fant vi veien til Frøken Dianas Vintage Salong og Fretex Unika. Som dere sikkert har skjønt så elsker jeg vintage og second hand!

Yesterday was I at Grüneløkka and looked at vintage clothes and drank something that I've never tried before, bubble tea. I was so good and really exciting to taste! But, do not eat the bubbles because they makes you feel sick (it is not dangerous). 
We first went to Velourias Vintage, but I didn't take any pics there. Then we found our way to Frøken Dianas Vintage Salong and Fretex Unika. As you prbably know I love vintage and second hand!

New York FW 13; Streetstyle

So much cool outfits and so inspiring! More pictures here!

All pictures borrowed from

onsdag 20. februar 2013

Classy is the originale black


Shoes/ roots   Shirt/Second Hand   Bag/ Vintage   Knit/H&M    Beanie/FWSS   Ring/Bikbok

Dagen i dag har gått til Vintage titting og bubble tea på Grüneløkka. Det kommer et innlegg med bilder i morgen. Jeg valgte å gå med svart i dag, noe jeg ikke har hatt humør til på lenge!

The day has gone to looking at vintage clohtes and drinking bubble tea at Grüneløkka. I will post pictures and tell you more about the day tomorrow. I chose to wear black today, something I haven't had the mood for in a long time!

PS: If you scroll to the bottom of my blog, you can give me response at some

tirsdag 19. februar 2013



Mine nye sko, elsker de og de stæsjer opp et hvert antrekk! Kommer til å lage ett innlegg der jeg viser dere hvordan man kan style ett par wedges. Jeg vil ha flere par!

My new shoes, I love them and they stæsh up every outfit! I'm going to make a blogpost where I'll show you how to style a pair of wedges! I want more pairs!